It goes without saying that there are many unavoidable factors affecting truck drivers today; harsh unpredictable weather conditions, poor maintenance of trucks, unreasonable deadlines and poor roads. Nevertheless, one delay can potentially be avoided with little preparation at all – road works.
In an attempt to help our clients and employees find the clearest route we have compiled a list of Victoria’s major road projects currently underway and some alternative routes to avoid delays.
Monash Freeway Upgrade Project
September 2016 to 2018.
Why is this happening?
The project aims to make journeys faster, safer and more reliable in the long run.
What’s involved?
The Monash Freeway Upgrade will add new lanes where they are most needed and EastLink to Clyde Road will see a new road in each direction.
How will this impact you?
There will be numerous on and off ramp closures and speed reductions along the length of the Monash Freeway during this period. Stay up to date with current and upcoming works on their website. The site provides detailed detour options and maps for alternative routes to access your destination.
CityLink Tulla Widening Project
Work is projected to continue until late 2018.
Why is this happening?
The $1.28 billion project is aimed at improving safety, reducing congestion and cutting travel times.
What’s involved?
Ongoing work will see lane closures and speed limit reductions on CityLink, the Tullamarine Freeway, the Calder Freeway and the West Gate Freeway.
How will this impact you?
Project managers have conceded that the $1.3billion CityLink Tulla Widening will continue to cause heavy traffic, as entire sections of the freeway and stretches of roads are being closed for limited periods. Additionally, there are plans to increase the daily toll rate for trucks up from $11.85 to $26.70 to pay for the project, which is set to run until 2018.
For up to date information on all current and upcoming works check their website. For details on all detour routes check here.
Western Highway Upgrade Project /roads/vic/numbered/alphanumeric/ m-a8/03_horshamtodadswellbridge
Currently underway, completion date pending.
Why is this happening?
The upgrades aim to improve freight efficiency and safety, including measures such as rest area improvements, bridge strengthening, and new overtaking lanes.
What is involved?
Over $800million has been allocated to improving the principal road link between Melbourne and Adelaide. The Highway between Ballarat and Stawell is being progressively duplicated and upgraded to provide a safer and more efficient four-lane divided route. In addition, several safety measures will be installed throughout the project.
How will this affect you?
Traffic management and speed reductions will be in place primarily between Stawell and the South Australian border.
Chandler Highway, Alphington and Kew Works
From May 2017 to late 2018.
Why is this happening?
By carrying an average of 44,000 vehicles per day, Chandler Highway is operating above its capacity, resulting in increased delays and congestion. The existing bridge is relatively old and narrow, posing safety and efficiency issues.
What’s involved?
$110 million has been allocated to this project – widening the Chandler Highway to six lanes and building a new bridge to the west of the existing bridge.
How will this affect you?
Advance notifications of works and closures will be posted on their website.
Beach Road and Beaconsfield Parade Truck Curfews Review

From March 2017.
Why is this happening?
To balance industry and community needs in the area by reviewing the current curfews.
What’s involved?
To help gain a better understanding of how the existing curfews are working, a camera trial is introduced to monitor truck curfews in the area. During the trial period, trucks will be counted along the road between Port Melbourne and Black Rock.
How will this affect you?
Truck curfews currently operate from 8pm to 6am Monday to Saturday and from 1pm Saturday to 6am Monday between Bay Street (Port Melbourne) and Nepean Highway (Mordialloc).
For more information direct any queries to
Great Ocean Road Landslide Project
Underway, completion date unknown.
Why is this happening?
The 50-metre long wall is a $2 million element of a five-part project carried out to stabilise an area that was hit by last year’s bushfire and heavy rainfall in September, causing a landslide. The work is part of a larger initiative to increase safety and prevent further landslides.
What’s involved?
A three-metre high concrete wall is currently under construction alongside the Great Ocean Road at Wye River, resulting in lane closures in the area.
How will this affect you?
Traffic will be reduced to one lane at Wye River until work is completed in mid-April.
The Shepparton Project
April 2017 to December 2017.
Why is this happening?
To cut travel times and improve safety along a key freight route.
What’s involved?
A key freight route, Old Dookie Road in Shepparton, will be upgraded as part of the Australian Government’s $50 billion infrastructure program. This upgrade will connect the Shepparton East industrial zone to the Shepparton Alternative Route.
How will this affect you?
Updates on delays can be obtained from the Shepparton City Council at
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