6 Great Reasons to Become a Truck Driver
At Logical Staffing Solutions, we know that truck drivers are an integral part of the Australian economy, ensuring precious cargo makes its way from the factory to the warehouse, from the storeroom to the shop window, from your favourite online retailer’s stockroom to your doorstep; it all came off the back of a truck at […]
How to prevent injury when you do a physically demanding job
In today’s society, physically demanding occupations such as truck driving, pick packing and other kinds of factory work contrast greatly to office jobs that involve sitting in front of a computer all day. However, even though manual work allows you to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, it does come with its own physical impacts. Research conducted by […]
Working on a holiday visa? This is what you need to know.
Australia’s Working Holiday Visas offer a great opportunity to travel our beautiful country while supporting yourself financially through short-term employment. And while there are a variety of employment opportunities available, it’s important that you’re aware of what you can be paid and how much tax you should pay. On 1 January 2017, tax rates changed for working holiday […]
Joining the Night Owls: How to Balance Sleep and Shift Work
Many jobs within the transportation, manufacturing and logistics industry involve shift work. At Logical Staffing Solutions, we understand it isn’t always easy to get into a routine that is essentially nocturnal. If you don’t think and plan, your sleep pattern may suffer; so we’ve compiled some of the best advice on how to avoid shift […]